

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Michigan Restaurants by the Numbers

Michigan Restaurants by the Numbers

Michigan’s restaurants are an increasingly important part of our state’s economy. Restaurants are a key driver of employment in Michigan, and their sales generate tremendous tax revenues for our state.  Michigan restaurants contribute to the economy by creating jobs, building careers and generating revenue, but that's just the beginning.   Michigan dining establishments today are leaders in nutrition and healthy living, sustainability and social responsibility, and entrepreneurship and business opportunites according to www.restaurant.org.

Did you know...

  • More than one in four American adults got their first job in a restaurant?
  • Nearly 50% of all Americans have worked in the restaurant industry at one point in their working careers?
  • American restaurants employ more minority managers than any other industry?
  • Almost 1 in 10 working Americans are employed by the restaurant industry?
  • Annual restaurant industry sales nationwide exceeds a half-trillion dollars?
  • In 2007, there were 16,565 eating-and-drinking places in Michigan?
  • Every $1 spent in Michigan’s restaurants generates an additional $.99 in sales for Michigan’s economy?
  • Restaurant jobs represent 10 percent of total employment in Michigan?
  • In 2009, Michigan’s restaurants will register a projected $12.6 billion in sales?

*Sources: Figures are based on National Restaurant Association research and data from federal and state government agencies.  See www.restaurant.org/research/state for more information.

**Sources: Figures are based on National Restaurant Association research and data from federal and state government agencies.  See www.restaurant.org/research/state for more information.

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